Bike Month 2019 kicks off on Wednesday, May 1st and Bike SLO County is starting the month right with our annual Bike Breakfast at the Bike Kitchen from 7-9 a.m. Below is a preview of Bike SLO County events during Bike Month. These events and others are all listed on the calendar maintained by the fine folks at SLO Shift:
Keep it clean…
In an effort to help make Bike Month events less dependent on single-use containers and utensils, Bike SLO County reached out to the community and discovered an amazing, local FLATWARE library called Table Ware Share – Free Lending! (If you’re hosting an event and want to borrow reusable dishes etc, click this link!) While we still want to encourage people to consider using/reusing your own cups, utensils, plates, napkins, etc. during Bike Month and beyond to help cut down on waste and save the earth, we’ll have plates, cups and utensils at our Bike Breakfasts if you need them.
May 1: Bike Breakfast: 7-9 AM at SLO Bike Kitchen. Let’s kick off Bike Month right with Breakfast at the Kitchen. Stop in for coffee (donated by Nautical Bean), breakfast tacos, pancakes, pastries donated by House of Bread, juice, fruit and more as we kick off Bike Month 2019! More information is available at
May 4: Bike Rodeo at Hawthorne Elementary: 11AM – 3PM. The Parks and Recreation Department once again will partner with the SLO Police Department to host the Annual Bike Rodeo and Bike SLO County will be there to lend a hand. There will be a bike parade, bike “safety town”, tune-ups and a BMX show. More information is available at
May 5: Tenth Annual Cote de Claiborne Velo Challenge: 7AM-1PM. Join Claiborne & Churchill for the 10th Annual Cote de Claiborne Velo Challenge! This 50+ mile ride will conclude with lunch and a glass of wine in our lovely garden. Pre-registration required and experienced riders only! We will be donating $20.00 per rider to Bike SLO County. More information is available at
May 5: FILM NIGHT at Bike Kitchen: 6-8:30PM. Join us in the Kitchen for two Bike Month screenings of California Golde, a 12 minute film Directed and Produced by “Ronnie” Romance Jr and Sandy Carson. This short film chronicles a completely analog tour off the grid—with no digital devices, apps, or GPS. A window to a time before, as @UltraRomance says, ‘we became cyborgs,’ it’s a project he considers an ‘art film,’ blending the aesthetic of 70s surf movies with the modern-day popularity of off-road bike touring. More information is available at
May 9: Kidical Mass BEARS! at Mitchell Park: 5:30-6:30PM. Often called the family bike happening, Kidical Mass is a venue for parents to teach their kids how to ride safely. If you have ever wanted to ride your bike in a parade with kids of all ages, this is the perfect chance to make it happen. No matter your age, the ride is a blast for everyone! The more the merrier as we introduce the next generation to the joy of bicycles. This month’s theme is BEARS! Costumes encouraged. More information is available at
May 15: Morro Bay Community Bike Ride: 1:30-2:30PM. Join us in Morro Bay as we celebrate our community on 2 wheels with an hour long, all level, community bike ride that benefits Bike SLO County! 3 group ride options: 1. kid friendly in town, easy pace 30min 2. recreational rider up Highway One, easy-moderate pace 60min 3. seasoned cyclist up Highway One, fast pace 60min. Ticket includes collectible event shirt and free bike valet by Bike SLO County. More information is available at
MAY 15: Bob Roll invites you to Meet & Greet the Pro’s: 5:30-8:30 PM. SOLD OUT! Meet the Pros during our FREE 5:30pm Meet-and-Greet event at The Siren (next to the Amgen Tour of California | Men’s Stage 4 Finish), featuring legendary road cyclist, Bob Roll! PLUS – LIVE Auction benefiting Bike SLO County & LIVE Music. More information is available at
May 15: Ride of Silence at SLO Bike Kitchen: 7-9PM. The Ride of Silence is a free ride that aims to raise the awareness of motorists, police and city officials that cyclists have a legal right to the public roadways. The ride is also a chance to show respect for and honor the lives of those who have been killed or injured. This ride takes place simultaneously in multiple locations around the world. More information is available at
May 17: Bike Fest Atascadero: City Hall 4-6PM. Get the weekend started right with Visit Atascadero’s first-ever, “Happy Hour Station” Bike Fest to wrap up an incredible Bike to Work Day! Together Ride Share and Bike SLO County would like to celebrate YOU for taking an alternative mode of transportation and enjoying all that North County has to offer with bites and pints on the steps of City Hall. More information is available at
May 25: Pedal to Pizza Ride, starts at Bike Kitchen: 11:30AM-1PM. Join us for the 3rd Annual Pizza Ride! This social, low key ride begins at 11:30 am at the Bike Kitchen (860 Pacific St in SLO, corner of Morro and Pacific) and visits 3 different San Luis Obispo pizza joints for an afternoon of food, fun and bikes. Three Large Pizzas will be pre-ordered and purchased at each location. Additional food/beverages available for purchase. More information is available at
May 31: Bike Breakfast @ SLO Guild Hall: 7-9AM. On the last day of Bike Month Peak Racks and Bike SLO County are joining together to start off the last day of Bike Month with a bang! Join us as we bid farewell to Bike Month 2019 with tasty treats in the Eucalyptus grove at the back of SLO Guild Hall. More information is available at
June 1st: Bikes & Beauty at SLO Guild Hall: 6-9PM. Join us as we bid a HUGE farewell to Bike Month 2019 at the San Luis Obispo Guild Hall.
This year’s theme is “Bike Prom”, so dress up, bring a date, make a bikey corsage…Bikes and Beauty brings people from all over SLO County together to cheer on members of our local bike community as they strut their stuff on the runway in an always amazing array of hand-made DIY bike fashion. We’ll have dinner, drinks, dancing, a silent auction and loads of fun! More information is available at
Looking for more Bike Month events?
Check out SLO Shift for info on other events taking place during Bike Month and every month of the year. Want to add an bike event? YES! |