Bike Parking

What Is On-Street Bike Parking?
How to Apply
What Is On-Street Bike Parking?

On-street bike parking provides up to 12 places for customers to safely and conveniently lock up directly in front of a business.

Well-used corrals have benefited numerous local businesses by giving customers a central place to park, freeing up sidewalks and encouraging the increasing the number of people on bikes to stop and shop.


The benefits of providing bicycle parking are numerous! Study after study shows that customers who arrive by bicycle or on foot not only spend more money per trip, but also make more trips than their motor vehicle counterparts.

  • Increased numbers of customers.
  • Improved sidewalk/cafe seating environment for customers.
  • Improved visibility of the business from the street.
  • Reduced sidewalk congestion by providing designated space for bicycle parking.
How to Apply

If you are a business owner, you can apply for an on-street rack for your business using the form below — or if you are a customer of a local business that would benefit from this information, download the application and share the idea with the business owner!

Use the form below to show your interest and support of an on-street rack for your business. If you are stumped while filing out the form, see some of our example responses for inspiration.

Request an On-Street Bike Rack

Use the following form to show your interest and support of an on-street rack for your business. View our example responses for inspiration while submitting your form.

Once you fill out the form, we will forward it to the necessary parties in order to move the process forward and provide better bicycle parking and enhance our neighborhoods!

Fill out my online form.