Volunteer Lighthouse Century

Volunteer at the 2016 Lighthouse Century

Calling all volunteers! The San Luis Obispo Bicycle Club’s Lighthouse Century takes place this year on Saturday, September 24th and Bike SLO County staff and volunteers will be at the Donati Family Vineyards Rest Stop in Templeton from 7 – 11:30 A.M. to help make sure riders get the snacks and beverages they need. Proceeds from the Lighthouse Century benefit Bike SLO County and other local cycling organizations as well as programs and the communities and groups that support the San Luis Obispo Bicycle Club’s rides.

Volunteer Lighthouse Century

Photo by Roger Heathcote

Want to lend a hand? We’re looking for volunteers who can:

  • Assist with setup (serving and decorations) and cleanup
  • Lift 5-gallon water bottles, and pour the contents
  • Slice and dice some foods, merely set out others
  • Array foods for riders
  • Stir drink mix in 5-gallon coolers
  • Mingle with participants
  • Be creative!
  • Have fun!

Our awesome Volunteers each receive a free Lighthouse Century short sleeve T-Shirt, as well as the option to participate in the Pre-Ride and to attend the Volunteer Banquet. We had a blast in 2015 and we’re hoping that this year is even better.

When: Saturday September 24th, 7 – 11:30 AM
Where: Donati Winery Rest Stop, 2720 Oak View Rd.,Templeton, CA 93465 (map)
For the question “Please enter your preferred Job or your Organization (CCCMB, CPARC, Wheelmen, Bike SLO County) if you are volunteering as part of the organization team” simply enter Bike SLO County so they’ll know you are with us.
Want to car pool? We’ll have transportation from SLO to Templeton and back. Email steve@bikeslocounty.org to reserve a space.

Volunteer for Giro Della Costa Centrale

Our Digital Media Sponsor Race SLO is looking for volunteers for their November 15th Giro Della Costa Centrale. All Race SLO team volunteers receive: a Giro Della Costa Centrale T-shirt, hot Bouno Tavola lunch, snacks & drinks and a chance to meet & greet Professional Cyclists. Community support and volunteers are an essential element to Race SLO’s quality event production.

Giro-Volunteer-Flyer-600What do race volunteers do?

Race SLO offers a variety of tasks such as registration, route marshaling, staff aid stations and customer service at the Festival Italiano. They welcome all groups and adult supervised youth groups wanting to earn volunteer hours. No experience necessary.

What should I bring?

Weather appropriate clothing (layering works best- the event shirt they provide MUST be worn on top), sunglasses, sun hat, water, day backpack, sunscreen, camp chair, camera, emailed volunteer information, enthusiasm.

Contact Rosanne at volunteer@raceslo.com for details or simply VOLUNTEER NOW at this link:


AMGEN Volunteers Needed!

Volunteer at America’s most prestigious cycling event!

The Amgen Tour of California is a Tour de France-style cycling road race that challenges the world’s top professional cycling teams to compete along a demanding course that traverses hundreds of miles of California’s iconic highways, byways and coastlines each spring. The teams chosen to participate have included Olympic medalists, Tour de France contenders and World Champions.

The race needs 100+ volunteers for the Avila Beach finish (Stage 4) on May 13. Sign up, show up and get some cool swag for being awesome: https://www.amgentourofcalifornia.com/footer/volunteer You rock!

Wildflower Volunteers Needed

San Luis Obispo Bike Club Makes A Difference

The San Luis Obispo Bicycle Club was formed 44 years ago in 1971. Since that time they’ve actively promoted bicycle riding throughout SLO County. wildflowerwideThis year, they’ll contribute over $75,000 (including  $50,000 to the Bike Coalition!) to support local bike groups and activities, bicycle advocacy organizations and programs, and the communities in which the Bike Club rides and holds their events.

One of the ways the Bike Club is able to make such generous contributions to the bike community is from the proceeds of the two annual Century rides that they put on:  The Lighthouse Century and The Wildflower Century. Both of these rides take months and months of planning and countless volunteer hours.

You Can Help

The Bike Club is looking for a few more volunteers to help out with the Wildflower Century on April 25th, 2015. Aside from the great feeling you’ll get from volunteering, you’ll also get a free Wildflower Century shirt, an invitation to the Volunteer Brunch and an invitation to the Pre-Ride (you’ll get to ride the course before the actual ride.)

As of right now, these volunteer positions are still open:

Cleanup – Team
Food Ordering – Truck Loader Team
Stop: Highway 41 – Team Lifting
Stop: Shadow Run – Team Lifting
Stop: Shandon Lunch – Early Lifting
Stop: Shandon Lunch – Late Lifting
Stop: Shell Creek – Team Lifting

Ready to Volunteer?

The Bike Club’s Century Jobs web page ( https://slobc.org/volunteering/century.html ) is a one stop location to learn about Job Openings, Job Descriptions and the Volunteer Process. Choose a job from those identified as open in the “Wildflower Team Member Report” and then email the “Wildflower Volunteer Coordinator” at ( wildflower-volunteer-coordinator@slobc.org ) to volunteer for the position (please let them know The Bicycle Coalition sent you). The volunteer coordinator will contact you for any information needed to complete your volunteer record.


Bike Fashion Show 2015

Bike Fashion Show 2015: Fly. Wheels. Riding. Heels.

Volunteer at the Lighthouse Century!

Every year the San Luis Obispo Bike Club puts on not one but TWO Century rides, the Wildflower Century and the Lighthouse Century. The amount of organization and hard work that goes into these efforts is astounding. All of that effort pays off, allowing the SLO Bike Club to contribute $75,000 each year to support cycling and related causes (including The Bicycle Coalition) in San Luis Obispo County.

If you’re interested in lending your support to the Bike Club, now is your chance! Every year, 250 volunteers work to make the Lighthouse Century possible. The Bike Club is still looking for about 25 volunteers to help out on September 27th, 2014. In particular, they need volunteers capable of doing some heavy lifting (50 pounds). All volunteers will receive a Lighthouse Century T-Shirt and an invitation to attend both the volunteer brunch on Sunday, September 28th and the volunteer bike ride (the Pre-Ride) on Saturday, September 20th.

There is a list of Volunteer Job Descriptions, and general information about the Lighthouse Century here.
Ready to volunteer? Awesome! Click this link and fill out their Volunteer form! Let them know The SLO County Bicycle Coalition sent you!