Kidical Mass May 2020

Traditionally, Kidical Mass is the family bike happening, an event to bring the joy of bicycles to the next generation. This year is actually the 10th anniversary of it in SLO! In an effort keep the bike stoke hight, we’re encouraging families to still get out and bike together on May 14th, but in their own neightborhoods to maintain the health guidelines to slow the spread of COVID-19.
By teaching safe riding skills to children, we can create a safer community of riders in the future. Be sure to maintain 6 feet between your household and folks you may come across. As we ride with our families, may we bring joy and smiles to everyone we pass!
Enter the Raffle with your Family!
We’re raffling off some bike goodies to the families that get out an bike on May 14th! To enter, tag #bikeslocounty on social media, or email a photo your family biking on May 14th or any time during the month. For a bonus entry, dress up! Theme for May is Royalty!